This is my first blog here. I hope to continue this blog eventually. I decided to write blogs here only. Previously, I tried several places, like on my website, WordPress, etc. I came back to Blogspot after a long time. Without further delay, let me jump to the subject. Recently, I received an interesting topic from my colleagues. He explained to me that he can't find the loop on the extreme switches. All switches show loop disturbances. Even two or three switches are not accessible. After solving this problem, I have decided to carry out a LAB on this topic. My main focus will be some questions 1. Why are all the switches showing loops, but the loop was only available on one switch? 2. What action should be taken to avoid such complete downtime if the loop is detected again? Designed a LAB with the following information: Let's change some configurations on the switches. I am using the default VLAN for this lab purpose. As MST is enabled by default on the default VLAN. I will d...
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